The Leader Letter

Have You Been Inoculated?

Written by Nate Flynn | Jul 30, 2024 5:34:08 PM

Dear Leader,

Nearly every church I go to has a program or ministry for children. Many of them also have an active women's ministry. Yet very few of them have much, if anything, going for their men. Why is that?

I have even seen churches with a women's ministry leader on staff, yet have nothing going for their men. There are church websites that promote women's ministry, and again, nothing for the men. Why is that?

Likely, it's a number of things, but I believe there are two big reasons why this is the reality for so many churches. First of all, a man is a hard thing to reach. In chapter 1 of "No Man Left Behind," we discuss how men's ministry is like rocket science.

Secondly, churches and leaders have become inoculated. They have tried and failed multiple times to implement a men's ministry. Each failure is like a little inoculation, creating more and more resistance to a sustainable ministry to men.

The ultimate conclusion many come to is that men's ministry is too hard. It doesn't work. 

While it is indeed difficult, ministry to men will work if implemented properly and invested in with time and resources. More importantly, it is well worth the return on investment when men are truly transformed.

If you've experienced inoculation to the process of reaching men, can we talk? Before you give up completely, I would be grateful for the opportunity to help you.

In Christ,   

Nate Flynn

Area Director

Rocket Science  

Anyone can find a problem. We need people who are willing to find solutions.

When it comes to discipling men, No Man Left Behind is the solution to the problems we've encountered in trying to reach our men.

When working with men, we experience parallels with rocket science:

  • Gravity: Most men shoulder the burden of supporting a family financially, trying to be a good husband and father, and resisting the temptations of the world that try to drag them down.
  • Velocity: New Christians go like gangbusters; but many men have been in church for a long time, and their enthusiasm is waning.
  • Angles of ascent: Some men get it and steadily move forward; others careen back and forth in their spiritual journey, veering off and hurting people as they go. The key is to ensure they are moving toward Christlikeness.
  • Coefficients of drag: Jobs, soccer games, family problems, church commitments, hobbies...all of these seem to hold men back - leaders too - as they seek to develop their faith and their ministry.

It brings relief when you realize a man really is a hard thing to reach, and hope when you understand there is a strategy to help you succeed.



Battle Inoculation


Every other Sunday I serve in the kid's ministry of my church. Why?

For one, I remember fondly the influence that my Sunday School teachers had on me as a youth. Furthermore, I believe we need to teach children the Word of God. They need to know the good news of Jesus and that they are loved by God.

My point is, children's ministries are important, as are ministries for women. Churches should absolutely make investments in these areas.

However, I believe that these are easy investments to make because families are looking for them. According to Barna research, 80% of churches have a children's ministry, and over half of all church congregants believe children's ministry is the most important focus of a church.

Similarly, women are actively seeking support, community, and spiritual growth opportunities.

While these ministries are undeniably important, the challenge arises when they inadvertently lead to a lack of investment in ministry to men. Oftentimes, men feel that church is not for them. It is a place to take their children and their wives, but it doesn't really have anything to offer them.

So, men aren't looking for value in the church, and the church isn't providing it.

Instead, we continue to invest in the ministries that we think work. In reality, if we could truly reach our men, we would not only transform their lives, but it would bolster every other aspect of the church as well.

Like it or not, as the men go, so goes the church. 

If we want children who are instilled with a strong faith foundation, we need men and fathers who will show them the way. If we want women to be loved as Christ loved the church, we need husbands who understand what it means to serve and sacrifice like Jesus.

When a man is discipled, it changes everything. Just because the things we've tried in the past didn't work, doesn't mean there isn't a way that will. Not only can we be effective at reaching and discipling men, we MUST make it a priority.



Men's Ministry is Rocket Science

Men’s Ministry. How hard can it really be? Think about it: You’ve got men; you’ve got a church. Add a testimony, some pancakes, a prayer, and—poof!—a men’s ministry. Right? We’ve worked with thousands of churches across America to help them disciple men. Leaders from churches all over the world have been through our leadership training.

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