The Leader Letter

Perseverance: One foot in front of the other

Written by Nate Flynn | Feb 15, 2023 8:00:00 PM

Dear Leader,

Overnight backpacking is one of my hobbies. From my first hike on the Appalachian as a Jr. High kid, I was hooked. I love getting away from the distractions of life and connecting to God through his creation.

It also instilled in me several valuable principles. One of those is perseverance. It is amazing what you can accomplish and overcome when you just keep putting one foot in front of the other. A good friend learned this lesson on a challenging hike we did together. Now when life and marriage get difficult, he is reminded to overcome by putting “one foot in front of the other” just as he did on the trail.

Too often I encounter churches that have neglected to persevere in their efforts to reach and disciple men. When things get tough, when the trail seems to lead nowhere, when men are dropping out, we conclude that this is the wrong path. Ministry to men must not work, or it’s not worth the effort.

The reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Discipling men IS a hard road, but the rewards we will reap are like conquering a mountain and experiencing the breathtaking, exhilarating panoramic views from the top. Few have reached this point, but those who have all conclude that it was well worth the pain, the exhaustion, the striving, and the perseverance.

Wherever you are on your journey to disciple men, I am here to come alongside you, like a mountain guide, and help you reach the top. There is nothing more rewarding than bringing men into vibrant, wholehearted devotion to their creator and deep, authentic connection with other men.

Your brother in Christ,

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Nate Flynn

Area Director

XCC Kyle






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No fewer than 10 times have I read through the No Man Left Behind book. Next to the Bible, it is my most consulted text. Why? Because it outlines the nine concepts and strategies that are proven to build and sustain a thriving disciple-making ministry for every man in YOUR church. These are biblical principles that are outlined and communicated in a practical, workable model which can truly transform your ministry.

If you don't have a copy of No Man Left Behind, get one today. I would be glad to help you implement these concepts and strategies.

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Read the No Man Left Behind book

How often do we read a book, conclude that the material is good, and then stick it on the shelf? It does us no good to simply consume knowledge. We have to put it into practice. We have to take the steps to get to where we want to be. If we get lost along the way, we consult the map or ask our guide.

We sometimes experience frustration when there’s a gap between what we know and what we do. Without action, we become overwhelmed with expectations.

At the same time, action without direction usually fails to take us where we want to be. We need to understand the purpose of what we are doing.

If we are willing to strike out on the journey of men’s discipleship we need knowledge, we need action, and we need purpose. Know that there will be failures along the way, but if we persevere, we will achieve great things.

Whether you’ve yet to start or you’re well on your way, what is your next step? Take that next step, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.


Check out our SoIN Touch page for an updated list of ministry happenings and resources for men in Southern Indiana!

If you have events or resources you would like to share with our network, please contact me to have them added to our SoIN Touch page.