The Leader Letter

ParaChurch Power

Written by Nate Flynn | Nov 29, 2023 2:34:02 PM

Dear Leader,

Try harder. Be better. Do more. This was the narrative that played in my head as a Christian man trying to get it right. It's what I thought I had to do to fulfill the identity of who I claimed to be. Yet, I was failing miserably. Oh, I looked the part, but on the inside - and in my home - I was barely hanging on.

Having grown up in the church, I knew better than to try and earn my salvation. Even still, it seemed there was something I had to work for, a standard to meet. I was trying to accomplish this in my own strength and understanding.

It was a parachurch ministry called Fight Club that God used to awaken me to the reality that my faith was performance-based. I found the joy of true surrender, and was grateful for a group of men who helped disciple me through this challenging time in my life.

While thousands of other men have found similar life-changing experiences through various ministries outside of the traditional church, there sometimes exists a bit of a rift between these ministries and churches.

I believe there is a way forward that not only allows both to thrive, but creates opportunities to work mutually towards a common goal of discipleship under the banner of Christ. Read on to consider how we can unleash the power of parachurch ministries for our men and congregations.

In Christ,   

Nate Flynn

Area Director

Men of Edge Venture 84 - Nov. 12, 2023




At Man in the Mirror, we believe that the Church is God's plan A, and he doesn't have a plan B. The Church universal consists of disciples and disciple-makers throughout the world and across time who make up the kingdom of God.

We primarily invest our focus in local congregations, helping them develop a strategy for men's discipleship that will engage men in meaningful relationships that change lives and build the kingdom.

Through concepts like the Create-Capture-Sustain Cycle, Three Strands of Leadership, and the Wide-to-Deep Continuum among others, we teach leaders how to be effective in reaching men with the gospel of Christ.

The framework we build is fully customizable and allows plenty of opportunity to provide value to men beyond the walls or capacities of a particular church.

The single best hope for men is the gospel of Jesus Christ and His body, of which you and I get to be a part!





Consider how to incorporate opportunities into your strategy for ministry to men.


A man is moved by a sermon that preaches the truth of Christ and is compelled to go to the altar and surrender his life. Another man attends a weekend event where he is led into the woods and encounters Christ through the testimonies of other men.

The common denominator in any kingdom-focused ministry is Christ. He is the beginning and the end, the whole reason and purpose for everything we do.

At times we can be skeptical of that which is unfamiliar to us, and not without just cause. We are told to test and approve what is good and pleasing to the Lord. A biblical church is designed with proper oversight and protection for the flock, and that shouldn't necessarily stop at the doors of the church.

With that said, we don't have to throw out the baby with the bath water in regard to parachurch ministries. Below are some thoughts on where rifts may occur, and ways that we can work alongside each other to further the kingdom.

  • Theological Differences: Some rifts may arise from theological differences or variations in how ministries interpret and prioritize certain aspects of doctrine or practice. It's essential for open communication and understanding to bridge such gaps.
  • Overlap of Ministries: Conflicts might emerge when there's perceived overlap in the ministries provided by the church and parachurch organizations. Clarifying roles, missions, and objectives can help prevent misunderstandings.
  • Resource Allocation: Limited resources, including time, finances, and manpower, can sometimes lead to tension. Churches and parachurch ministries may compete for the same resources, and discussions about effective allocation are crucial.
  • Autonomy and Authority: Churches might express concerns about ceding authority or autonomy to parachurch organizations. Clear communication and mutual respect for each other's roles can help address these concerns.
  • Competition for Attention: Pastors may feel concerned if parachurch ministries are drawing more attention from congregants, potentially diverting focus from the core activities of the church.

Many churches have learned to collaborate effectively with parachurch ministries and recognize the benefits of working together:

  • Specialized Ministries: Parachurch ministries often specialize in certain areas, such as men's discipleship, where they can provide focused and specialized resources to complement the broader mission of the church.
  • Support and Resources: Churches can benefit from the resources, tools, and expertise that parachurch ministries offer in areas like leadership training, outreach, or specific discipleship programs.
  • Networking: Collaboration between churches and parachurch organizations can lead to valuable networking opportunities, enabling the sharing of experiences, ideas, and best practices.
  • Community Impact: Combined efforts can enhance the community impact of both churches and parachurch ministries, reaching a broader audience and addressing diverse needs.

While there can be legitimate concerns and we must be diligent in addressing those, it's hard to deny the life-change many men are experiencing by encountering Christ through parachurch ministries.

Oftentimes these experiences simply awaken what has been faithfully planted in them in their home churches. Other times, men are seeking elsewhere because they've not found purpose and life while sitting in the pews.

If it's the latter, maybe we need to take a hard look at ourselves to consider why men aren't thriving in the system we've designed. If it's the former, let's recognize the value being brought to discipleship and embrace our partners in mission. In all things, may we praise God for the harvest and the role we get to play in it.


*This list is in no particular order and certainly not comprehensive. As always, you are encouraged to evaluate what would best provide value for the men of your church to help them take the right next step in their spiritual journey.

Fight Club

Designed for men who want more out of life, family, themselves, and relationships.


Inspiring men's hearts through adventure, brotherhood, faith, and justice.

Edge Venture

Helping men understand and accept who Jesus has called them to be by identifying and facing their brokenness and receiving healing.

Dad Camp

Building stronger fathers who build stronger families.


Calling men back to God's good and timeless design for men.

Men's Life Bloomington

Supporting men in their walk with Christ, we come together to discuss the issues and problems that are common to men. To support each other, to pray for one another, and to glorify God.

Wild at Heart

The path to restoring the heart of a man.

Man Alive

Discover God's plan for harnessing that raw, restless energy you feel to propel you toward the life you were meant to live.

No parachurch ministry is the end all be all for making disciples. At the end of the day, men need to be connected to a local body of believers. If you would like to consider your strategy for building a thriving ministry to men in your church, whether or not that involves outside ministries, I am here to help you. Let's connect!




Men's Discipleship: The Power of a Plan

Through the help of a coach, practical training, prayer, and the right resource, here's how one church in Alabama went from a patchwork approach for men's discipleship to a ministry plan with a purpose. And how God is using it to lift the church as a whole.

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